FAQS Of Sex Change

Gender Reassignment

Who is the candidate for male-to-female (MTF) sex reassignment surgery?
An eligible candidate for male-to-female (MTF) sex reassignment surgery is an individual who has received a diagnosis of one or more of the following disorders:
◦ Gender identity disorder refers to a condition where an individual’s gender identity does not align with their assigned sex at birth. ◦ Gender dysphoria is the distress or discomfort experienced by individuals whose gender identity differs from their assigned sex. ◦ Associated conditions are additional psychological or medical conditions that may coexist with gender identity disorder or gender dysphoria.
What are the prerequisites for undergoing male-to-female (MTF) sex reassignment surgery?
In accordance with “The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association’s Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders,” our doctors adhere to transgender sex change criteria. Before undergoing the procedure, a patient must fulfill the following prerequisites:
1.) Legal age of majority in the patient’s country.

2.) Obtain a psychology certificate from a certified psychiatrist or clinical psychologist who specializes in gender dysphoria, declaring that you are a suitable candidate for sex reassignment surgery.

3.) Certificate of hormone therapy documenting a minimum duration of one year on hormone treatment.
Where can I receive hormone therapy?
A patient should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to request a hormone prescription. Excessive dose can result in adverse side effects. Self-administering hormones is ill-advised as it is crucial to undergo monitoring for any negative effects during hormone intake.
Where can I obtain a psychology certificate?
Individuals seeking sex change surgery should consult with a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist who is a certified specialist in the field of gender dysphoria.
What are the impacts of the estrogen hormone?
Genetic males who undergo estrogen treatment can anticipate the following outcomes: development of breasts, redistribution of fat to achieve a more feminine physique, reduced strength in the upper body, softer skin, decreased body hair, slowed or halted hair loss on the scalp, decreased fertility and testicular size, and less frequent and less rigid erections. These alterations can be undone, with the exception of breast development, which may not revert back after discontinuing hormone usage.
What is the quality of one’s sexual life following the surgery?
Following gender reassignment surgery, a patient can experience typical sexual sensation. Sexual arousal encompasses both physical sensations and psychological experiences. It implies that in order to have a satisfying sexual encounter, you must be prepared in both physical and emotional aspects. During the procedure of penectomy and orchiectomy, the integumentary tissue, together with its innervation, is preserved and utilized to form the lining of the neovagina. Additionally, a novel clitoris will be generated using a portion of your glans penis, while preserving its nerve innervation. Thus, considering this, sexual pleasure remains certain.
What is the recommended duration for staying in Thailand for sex reassignment surgery?
To have sex reassignment surgery, it is necessary for the patient to remain in Thailand for a minimum of 2-3 weeks to finish the entire procedure and facilitate appropriate recovery. Upon arriving in Thailand, it is advisable for a patient to check into a hotel in order to unwind after a lengthy travel and prepare for a surgical procedure scheduled for the next day. The process of transitioning from male to female through gender reassignment surgery necessitates a hospital stay of approximately 14 nights.
What is the procedure for performing surgery?
Sex reassignment surgery is a secure and efficient procedure. The duration is estimated to be from 4 to 8 hours. The surgery commences with the surgeon surgically constructing the vaginal cavity by incising certain pelvic floor muscles, hence facilitating the insertion of the neo-vagina between the rectum and the urethra. Subsequently, the surgeon creates an incision to expose the penis. The urethra is surgically modified to be shorter and redirected to exit at a lower position, located immediately above the newly created vaginal opening. Once the vaginal cavity has been formed, the surgeon proceeds to incise the scrotal skin in order to extract the testicles. The scrotal skin, together with the adjacent tissue, is utilized to form the external genitalia, specifically the labia minora and labia majora, in order to produce a neo-vagina that closely resembles the anatomical structure of female genitalia.

The surgeon employs the “Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty” method, which involves inverting the penile skin to form the lining of the vaginal wall. This method restricts the depth into the vagina based on the quantity of penile skin that is accessible. For patients with a short or small penis or who have undergone circumcision, surgeons utilize a scrotal skin graft together with the penile skin to augment vaginal depth, typically achieving a length of 6-7 inches. Next, the surgeon creates the clitoris by preserving a little portion of the glans penis along with its blood supply and nerves. This is because the nerves in the glans penis are similar to those found in the female clitoris. Subsequently, it is placed above to the urethral meatus. Simultaneously, the labia minora is formed by utilizing a portion of the glans penis and the skin of the prepuce.

What does post-surgical care entail?
Following gender reassignment surgery, the patient will be closely monitored by the surgeon, who will provide you with comprehensive information. It is important to adhere to the following guidelines for post-operative care:
During the initial 2-3 days, the patient will follow a clear liquid diet and should refrain from consuming fibrous foods and milky liquids that may stimulate bowel movements in order to prevent infection.
◦ Before going to bed, place the wrap between your legs to avoid applying pressure on the wound while sleeping.
◦ Employ a vaginal douche or sterile solution to cleanse the wound in order to avert infection.
◦ The patient will regain the ability to ambulate after a period of 5-7 days.
◦ Utilize a diminutive dilator and progressively augment its width and size according to your discretion. It is recommended to do vaginal dilation 3-4 times daily. Regular dilation is required on a daily basis for a period of 2-3 months, followed by a reduced frequency of once per day after one year.
◦ Return for a postoperative examination and suture removal 2 weeks after the surgery.
It is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for a minimum of 2 months following the procedure.
What are the potential hazards and adverse outcomes?
Potential primary hazards include edema, contusion, hemorrhage, infection, cicatrization, and paresthesia or altered sensory perception. Adhering to the surgeon’s guidance will mitigate risks and minimize consequences.