Category Female To Male Surgery

Phalloplasty Surgery Thailand

Phalloplasty surgery in Thailand has gained popularity as a leading destination for individuals seeking gender-affirming surgeries. This comprehensive guide will explore the various aspects of phalloplasty surgery in Thailand, from the procedure itself to the recovery process and the potential benefits of undergoing surgery in this Southeast Asian country. 

What is Phalloplasty Surgery? 

  • Phalloplasty surgery is a gender-affirming surgical procedure designed to construct a penis for individuals who were assigned female at birth. 
  • The surgery involves various techniques, including skin grafts, nerve grafts, and the implantation of erectile devices, to create a phallus that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. 
  • Phalloplasty surgery in Thailand is performed by experienced surgeons who specialize in gender-affirming procedures, ensuring a high level of expertise and care. 

Why Choose Phalloplasty Surgery in Thailand? 

  • Thailand is renowned for its world-class medical facilities and highly skilled surgeons who have extensive experience in performing phalloplasty surgery. 
  • The cost of phalloplasty surgery in Thailand is significantly lower than in Western countries, making it a more affordable option for individuals seeking gender-affirming surgeries. 
  • Thailand is also known for its warm hospitality and welcoming culture, providing a supportive environment for patients undergoing phalloplasty surgery. 

Benefits of Phalloplasty Surgery in Thailand 

  • Access to cutting-edge surgical techniques and technologies that are on par with international standards. 
  • A diverse and inclusive healthcare environment that respects the identities and experiences of transgender individuals. 
  • Post-operative care and support services to ensure a smooth recovery process and optimal surgical outcomes. 

Phalloplasty surgery in Thailand offers a unique combination of expertise, affordability, and cultural sensitivity that make it an ideal choice for individuals seeking gender-affirming surgeries. By choosing to undergo phalloplasty surgery in Thailand, patients can access top-notch medical care in a welcoming and inclusive environment that prioritizes their well-being and surgical outcomes. 

Metoidioplasty Surgery Thailand

Metoidioplasty surgery is a gender-affirming procedure that can be life-changing for transgender individuals. In recent years, Thailand has emerged as a top destination for individuals seeking high-quality and affordable metoidioplasty surgery. Let’s delve into the details of metoidioplasty surgery in Thailand and why it has become a popular choice for many.

What is Metoidioplasty Surgery?

Metoidioplasty is a surgical procedure that involves creating a neophallus using the clitoris, which has been enlarged through testosterone therapy. This surgery allows transgender individuals to align their physical appearance with their gender identity, enhancing their quality of life and overall well-being.

  • Metoidioplasty is a gender-affirming procedure
  • It involves using the clitoris to create a neophallus
  • Testosterone therapy is often used to enlarge the clitoris

Why Choose Thailand for Metoidioplasty Surgery?

Thailand has gained recognition as a hub for gender-affirming surgeries, including metoidioplasty, for several reasons:

  • High-quality medical facilities and experienced surgeons
  • Affordable prices compared to many Western countries
  • LGBTQ+-friendly environment and supportive healthcare professionals

Benefits of Metoidioplasty Surgery in Thailand

Opting for metoidioplasty surgery in Thailand offers a range of benefits for patients:

  • Accessibility to skilled surgeons with expertise in gender-affirming surgeries
  • Comprehensive pre- and post-operative care to ensure optimal results
  • Minimal waiting times and streamlined administrative processes for international patients

Patient Experience and Testimonials

Many individuals who have undergone metoidioplasty surgery in Thailand have shared their positive experiences and life-changing outcomes:

“Choosing Thailand for my metoidioplasty was the best decision I made. The care and support I received throughout the process were exceptional.” – Alex, a transgender man

Metoidioplasty surgery in Thailand is a transformative option for transgender individuals seeking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity. With its skilled surgeons, affordable prices, and supportive environment, Thailand stands out as a top choice for those considering gender-affirming surgeries. If you are looking to undergo metoidioplasty, exploring the option of Thailand could be a step towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

FTM Hysterectomy Thailand

Hysterectomy is a common surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus. While traditionally associated with women, hysterectomy can also be performed on transgender men as part of their gender confirmation journey. In this blog post, we will explore the topic of female to male hysterectomy, delving into its significance, procedure, recovery, and emotional aspects.

Significance of Female to Male Hysterectomy

  • Gender dysphoria and the desire for physical alignment
  • Preventing menstruation and associated discomfort
  • Addressing potential health concerns such as ovarian cancer risks

Procedure and Recovery

Pre-operative preparations

  • Consultation with healthcare providers
  • Psychological evaluations

Surgical procedure

  • Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy)
  • Optional removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes (oophorectomy and salpingectomy)
  • Potential complications and risks

Recovery period

  • Post-operative care
  • Physical and emotional adjustments

Emotional and Psychological Aspects

  • Mixed emotions post-surgery
  • Coping strategies and mental health support
  • Building a support network

Undergoing a female to male hysterectomy is a significant step in the gender confirmation process for transgender men. It plays a crucial role in aligning their physical body with their gender identity. The procedure, while challenging, offers relief from gender dysphoria and associated health concerns. It is essential to prioritize both physical and emotional recovery during this transformative journey. Remember, you are not alone, and support is available.

Top Surgery: Mastectomy

Mastectomy, a key component of top surgery for transgender individuals, is a significant step in aligning one’s physical appearance with their gender identity. Understanding the process, implications, and post-operative care is essential for those considering this procedure. Let’s delve deeper into the world of top surgery mastectomy.

What Is Mastectomy?

  • Mastectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of breast tissue.
  • It is commonly performed as part of gender-affirming surgery for transgender individuals.
  • The goal of mastectomy is to create a more masculine chest contour for transmasculine individuals.

Types of Mastectomy

  • Double Mastectomy: Removal of both breasts.
  • Unilateral Mastectomy: Removal of one breast.
  • Nipple Grafting: Involves preserving the nipple and areola through grafting.

Preparing for Mastectomy

  • Consultation with a qualified surgeon is crucial.
  • Psychological evaluation to ensure readiness for the procedure.
  • Pre-operative instructions such as fasting and discontinuation of certain medications.

The Surgical Procedure

  • Mastectomy is typically performed under general anesthesia.
  • Incisions are made to access and remove breast tissue.
  • Nipple grafting or reconstruction may be included in the procedure.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

  • Pain management and wound care are essential during the recovery phase.
  • Restrictions on physical activities to aid in proper healing.
  • Regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress and address any concerns.

Emotional Impact of Mastectomy

  • Body Image: Adjusting to the new chest contour.
  • Gender Affirmation: Feeling more aligned with one’s gender identity.
  • Support System: Importance of emotional support from friends and family.

Mastectomy is a transformative step in the journey of gender affirmation for many transgender individuals. By understanding the process, types of mastectomy, preparation, surgery, recovery, and emotional impact, individuals can make informed decisions about their healthcare. Remember, each person’s experience is unique, and seeking support from healthcare professionals and the community is vital in this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Sigmoid Colon Vaginoplasty In Thailand

Sigmoid Colon Vaginoplasty is a procedure for creating a neovagina utilizing the sigmoid colon. For circumcised patients or those who want a deeper vaginal opening and self-lubrication during sexual intercourse.

The use of the sigmoid colon as a pedicled flap for the development of a neovagina is efficient because it allows for a graft of appropriate length with an excellent blood supply, potentially preventing issues such as shrinkage or constriction.

Preparation Before Surgery:

 Medical history evaluation, including allergies and significant medical conditions.

drugs (both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical

Examinations and laboratory testing will be performed during the consultation.

 Avoid smoking for 3-4 weeks before surgery, as nicotine can interfere.

with circulation and will significantly alter the healing process.

 Avoid alcohol for a week prior to surgery and throughout recovery.

Recovery period.

 Avoid taking drugs like hormones or anticoagulants.

Use anabolic steroids and supplements for at least 4-6 weeks to avoid complications.

Prior to surgery, avoid consuming aspirin and anti-

Anti-inflammatory medications and herbal remedies can also cause bleeding.

 Psychiatric examination indicating suitability for SRS surgery. Our surgeon needed one certificate from your native nation and one from Thailand.

 Our surgeon requires HIV testing before booking your procedure. We only accept HIV (-) customers due to the difficulty of the procedures.

During this procedure:

The surgery is performed using a combined abdomino-perineal approach. The genital surgeon dissects the neovaginal cavity, then conducts a bilateral orchiectomy and urethral shortening. A clitoro-vulvaplasty is constructed by combining penile and scrotal skin. Meanwhile, the laparoscopic surgeon mobilizes the sigmoid segment and cuts it down to the base of the sigmoid arteries. The segment is directed iso-peristaltically via the neovaginal tunnel and into the perineum. The distal staple line is opened and sutured to the perineum and inverted penile skin using an excessive interdigitating pattern. The length of the section is measured using a transilluminated perspex dildo, and it is stapled at the appropriate level. A neovaginopexy is carried out on the promontory. An intraabdominal side-to-side oversewn stapled anastomosis restores bowel continuity.

Operating time:

It takes seven hours.

Type of anesthesia used:

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

Hospital or clinic stay:

A five-night hospital stay

Days of stay in Thailand:

At least 14–30 days.

Risks and complications:

Rare severe consequences included tissue necrosis, rectal injuries, fistulas, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism. Diversion colitis, cancer of neovagina, introital stenosis, mucocele, and constipation have all been recorded with the Rectosigmoid Colon method, albeit at a low rate.

Peritoneal Pull-Through Vaginoplasty In Thailand

Peritoneal Pull-Through Vaginoplasty, also known as Peritoneal Vaginoplasty, is a new male-to-female surgery method based on the Davydov Gynecological method.

Peritoneal Pull Through Procedure – Similar to the Davydov Procedure, an abdominal technique is used to collect peritoneum and produce Denonvilliers fascia between the rectum and prostate, allowing for neo-vaginal or vaginal reconstruction. dangers include all of the dangers associated with a penile inversion technique when performed concurrently, as well as stricture, stenosis, graft failure, lack of lubrication, and abdominal procedure-related injury to the intestines, bladder, prostate, muscles, nerves, and arteries. Another issue is a scarcity of literature and long-term evidence on this method.

Peritoneal Vaginoplasty Advantages:

Self-lubricating lining with flexibility

More vaginal depth.

Requires less dilation and douching.

Requires less pre-operative hair removal

Lower risk of prolapse.

It may be less harmful than Sigmoid Colon Vaginoplasty, with no odorous mucus discharge and no need to monitor colon pathology.

Preparation before surgery:

During consultation, the medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests will be assessed, including allergies, major medical conditions, and all drugs (prescription and non-prescribed).
 Avoid smoking for 3-4 weeks before surgery as it disrupts circulation and hinders healing.
 Avoid alcohol for a week before surgery and during recuperation.
To avoid complications, avoid taking medications including hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids, and vitamins for 4-6 weeks (approximately 1.5 months) before surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements because they can cause bleeding.

Types of anesthesia include general anesthetic agents.

Hospital admission:

Admission stays in the hospital for 5-7 days.

Surgery typically lasts 6-8 hours.

During this procedure:

During surgery, a laparoscope and various instruments are put into the abdomen through small incisions about 5-8 mm (approximately 0.31 in). These instruments enable dissection of the possible gap between the lower urinary tract (urethra, prostatic urethra, and bladder) and the rectum. This place will be the future vagina. Peritoneum flaps can be pulled through the urethra and rectum to line a section of the vaginal canal. The apex of the vagina is segregated from the abdominal contents by shutting the peritoneal lining around 15 cm (5.91 in) away from the vaginal opening. The remaining vaginoplasty procedures (labiaplasty, clitoroplasty, penectomy, orchiectomy, partial urethrectomy, and other related procedures) are identical to the penile inversion method.

Recovery Period:

The patient remained in bed for a few days. There were no acute problems noted. On the third day after surgery, the condom containing betadine-soaked petrolatum gauze was removed. A vitality assessment on the peritoneal flap demonstrated good color and turgor. The drains and urinary catheter were withdrawn, and voiding was evaluated. Standard wound care was used. Vaginal dilation was conducted immediately using a small-sized acrylic dilator, twice daily, till the next follow-up appointment. The patient was released on postoperative day five.

Risks and complications:

All the hazards associated with penile inversion vaginoplasty.

Additional hazards associated with an abdominal laparoscopic procedure include intraabdominal organ damage, ileus, herniation, and others.

Flap failure and stenosis.

Unknown long-term consequences.