V-line Surgery In Thailand

V-line surgery is a plastic surgery treatment used to reduce the size of the chin and give it a slimmer and more oval form, without making it longer. The operation also diminishes the excessively robust bone on each side of the chin, so altering the more masculine U shape to a more defined and feminine V shape.
The chin line is surgically removed to create a seamless contour. The lower jaw can be closed without any contact with the nerve. The prominent sections on both sides of the mandible are surgically removed.
The tapered chin creates a completely oval V-shaped face.

Duration of operation: The surgical procedure typically lasts from 3 to 4 hours, varying based on the complexity of the operation.

Postoperative care: Following the surgery, you will get instructions to maintain an elevated position of your head and limit movement for a few days in order to reduce swelling. Refrain from consuming alcohol and engaging in steam baths and saunas for a duration of several months. Prioritize obtaining plenty rest and enable your body to allocate its energies towards the process of recovery.

Recovery duration: You should be able to resume work within 1-2 weeks following the surgery. Avoid engaging in strenuous tasks, such as heavy housekeeping, for a minimum of 2 weeks. However, it is acceptable to engage in walking and gentle stretching exercises.

Potential hazards and complexities:
Possible complications may involve the formation of a hematoma (a buildup of blood beneath the skin that requires surgical removal), infection, asymmetry, and adverse responses to the anesthetic. To minimize your risks, it is imperative to diligently adhere to your surgeon’s pre and post-operative instructions

Anesthetic modality employed:
The process employs General Anesthesia. Admission to the hospital is required.
This operation can be conducted in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or a hospital. This technique is often performed as an outpatient procedure.

Preoperative preparation:
Undergoes laboratory tests or a medical assessment Administer certain drugs or modify your existing pharmaceutical regimen.
Prior to surgery, it is imperative to cease smoking and refrain from consuming aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements, as these substances have the potential to heighten bleeding.
During the consultation, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted, which includes reviewing the patient’s medical history (including allergies, significant medical conditions, and any drugs, both prescribed and non-prescribed), conducting a physical examination, and ordering laboratory testing.

 Blood and urine samples will be obtained for standard preoperative laboratory examinations. X-rays are used to assess the individual’s skeletal composition.

  • Prior to surgery, it is imperative to abstain from smoking for around 3-4 weeks. This is because nicotine hampers circulation and significantly hinders the healing process.
     It is probable that you may be instructed to abstain from consuming alcohol starting one week prior to the surgery and continuing throughout your recuperation period.
    The symbol “” represents a bullet point. Refrain from consuming any medications, including hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids, and vitamins, for a minimum of 4-6 weeks before surgery to avoid introducing any additional medical complexities.
    Refrain from consuming aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements as they have the potential to heighten bleeding.

Chin Augmentation In Thailand

Chin augmentation, also known as Mentoplasty, is a surgical technique that employs a silicon implant to enhance the contour of a small, weak, or retreating chin.
An incision is made inside the lower lip or below the chin. An implant with the proper size and form is put inside the chin. Sutures (stitches) are used to close incisions inside the mouth, which disintegrate over time. If the incision is located behind the chin, detachable sutures are employed. Following surgery, the chin is often bandaged to reduce swelling.
Chin augmentation surgery typically lasts 30 minutes to an hour.
Post-operative Care:
You’ll be wearing a facial garment or bandage for at least five days. Pain medicines can help alleviate soreness and discomfort. You require a delicate diet for a few days. Expect swelling and bruising, but they will go away in 1 to 2 weeks. You may notice numbness in the operated area, which will subside after one to three months.
After a few days of relaxation, you can return to work. Avoid vigorous activities like sports and exercise that may cause facial injuries.
After a few days of recovery, most people may return to their regular routine. For three to four weeks, avoid any activities that may produce an impact on your face.

Avoid contact sports, ball games, and activities that require wearing a helmet or chin strap.

Potential risks and complications:
Bleeding, infection, and scarring are all possible complications of any surgical procedure. Symptoms include slow healing, altered skin sensation, and soreness. We shall take all required measures to reduce these risks.

The procedure is performed under local anesthetics.
Admission to the hospital is determined by both your wishes and your surgeon’s recommendations. Chin augmentation can be performed as an outpatient procedure, in a hospital, or in an ambulatory surgery suite.
Preparation Before Surgery
During consultation, a medical history (including allergies, major medical conditions, and prescriptions) will be assessed, followed by a physical examination and laboratory tests.
 Blood and urine samples will be taken for standard preoperative laboratory tests. X-rays may be used to assess bone structure.
 Avoid smoking for 3-4 weeks before surgery since it can disrupt circulation and slow healing.
 You may be advised to abstain from alcohol for a week prior to surgery and during recuperation.
 Avoid using medications including hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids, and vitamins for at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complications before surgery.
Avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements as they can cause more bleeding.

Chin Reduction In Thailand

Chin reduction is a cosmetic surgical technique that involves cutting down the bone through an incision in the lower gums.
Chin reduction surgery involves making an incision within the mouth (near the lower lip) or beneath the chin. The surgeon uses specialized devices to detach the bone at the tip of the chin, realign it, and remove surplus bone to get the desired contour. The tip is relocated with the remaining part of chin and secured with wires and plates. Suturing the incisions completes the surgery.
Duration of the operation:
The surgery lasts around 2-3 hours.
Post-operative Care:
To keep the wound clean after an oral incision, use antiseptic mouthwash on a regular basis during the first week. If the incision is under the chin, clean it twice daily after leaving the hospital. Keep the wound dry for 2–3 days. Start with a liquid diet, such as soups or smoothies, for the first few days. Consume soft foods for 7-10 days.
Recovery time: Most patients can return to work within a week after surgery. However, your surgeon may recommend taking 1-2 weeks off work. For roughly a week, follow a soft diet and avoid intense activities for up to two weeks. Avoid facial contact for up to 6 weeks.

Possible dangers and complications: Surgery carries inherent hazards. After chin reduction surgery, patients may have swelling for several weeks or months as the bones mend. Infection is a less prevalent concern to consider for chin plastic surgery. One potential negative effect of chin reduction surgery is minor nerve injury. Small nerve injury might lead to numbness in the lower lip and chin. Adverse reactions to anesthesia might cause difficulties, including respiratory system issues.

Chin reduction surgeries require general anesthesia.
Admission to the hospital is determined by both your wishes and your surgeon’s recommendations. Chin reduction can be performed as an outpatient procedure, in a hospital, or in an ambulatory surgery suite.

Preparation for surgery:
During consultation, a medical history (including allergies, major medical conditions, and prescriptions) will be assessed, followed by a physical examination and laboratory tests.
Blood and urine samples will be taken for pre-operative laboratory examinations. X-rays may be used to assess bone structure.
 Avoid smoking for 3-4 weeks before surgery as it disrupts circulation and slows healing.
 You may need to abstain from alcohol for a week prior to surgery and during recuperation.
 Avoid using medications including hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids, and vitamins for at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complications before surgery.
Avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements as they can cause more bleeding.

Chin Advancement In Thailand

Sliding Genioplasty, often known as “Chin Advancement,” is a cosmetic surgery technique that changes the curve of the chin to match other facial characteristics.
This surgery begins with an incision inside the mouth, below the lower lip. Sliding genioplasty is done in severe situations to extend or shift the chin backward. The bony chin part of the jaw is then sliced and advanced or shifted backward.
This portion is then fastened with a little bone screw or wire.
The operation typically lasts 1 hour, but can extend to 3 hours if additional operations are performed concurrently.
For post-surgical care, it is recommended to follow a soft diet and routinely clean the operation site with saline solution until the first postoperative visit. You may have discomfort and soreness, which can be managed with pain relief.
During the recovery time, you may be able to resume normal activities in 5-10 days. However, you may need to follow a liquid or soft diet for a day or two.

Possible risks and complications of chin advancement include overreduction, underreduction, nerve damage, necrosis, poor cosmetic outcomes, implant or bone filler rejection, hematoma, infection, permanent change in sensation, step down problems, gum recession, tooth root exposer, tooth loss, chin ptosis, blood clots, non-union between bone segments, and screw or plate misplacement. Discuss all hazards with your cosmetic surgeon.
Anesthesia use:
Depending on the procedure, the anesthetic can be general or local.
Hospital admission:
It relies on both your and your surgeon’s preferences. Chin advancement can be performed as an outpatient procedure, in a hospital, or in an ambulatory surgery suite.
Preparation Before Surgery
During consultation, a medical history (including allergies, major medical conditions, and prescriptions) will be assessed, followed by a physical examination and laboratory tests.
Blood and urine samples will be taken for pre-operative laboratory examinations. X-rays may be used to assess bone structure.
 Avoid smoking for 3-4 weeks before surgery as it disrupts circulation and slows healing.
 You may need to abstain from alcohol for a week prior to surgery and during recuperation.
 Avoid using medications including hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids, and vitamins for at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complications before surgery.
Avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements as they can cause more bleeding.

Chin Augmentation In Thailand

Chin Augmentation (Genioplasty or Mentoplasty) is a surgical operation that reshapes or increases the size of the chin. It can be accomplished either by putting an implant or by shifting or reshaping bones.
Incisions are commonly performed in two locations: behind the chin in a natural crease, or within the mouth where the gum and lower lip meet. To correct a receding chin with an implant, the surgeon will make an incision and gently stretch the tissue to create space for the implant. To minimize a prominent chin, the surgeon will make an incision and mold the bone to the appropriate size.
Duration of the procedure:
Chin augmentation surgery might last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
Post-operative surgery:
You will have discomfort and soreness, which can be readily managed with pain medication.
You may experience numbness in your chin for up to 3 months, and a stretching sensation for 1 week. Swelling often resolves within 6 weeks, depending on the surgery performed.
You may need to keep to a liquid or soft diet for at least a day or two.
You will most likely have the exterior bandage removed within a week of surgery. You may be need to wear a brace while sleeping for 4-6 weeks.
You can resume modest activity on the day of surgery. Within 7-10 days, you should be able to resume normal activities and work.
Recovery Period
The recuperation time is one to two weeks. Most people return to work within a week or two.

Potential risks and complications:
Chin augmentation problems typically include bruising, implant movement, and swelling. Other possible problems include dental damage and loss of sensation. Rare adverse effects include blood clots, infections that may necessitate implant removal, persistent discomfort, numbness, and changes in skin sensation. Discuss all hazards with your cosmetic surgeon.
Anesthesia use:
Local anesthesia (when awake)
Hospital admission:
It relies on both your and your surgeon’s preferences. Chin augmentation can be performed as an outpatient procedure, in a hospital, or in an ambulatory surgery suite.
Preparation Before Surgery
During consultation, a medical history (including allergies, major medical conditions, and prescriptions) will be assessed, followed by a physical examination and laboratory tests.
 Blood and urine samples will be taken for standard preoperative laboratory tests. X-rays may be used to assess bone structure.
 Avoid smoking for 3-4 weeks before surgery as it disrupts circulation and slows healing.
 You may need to abstain from alcohol for a week prior to surgery and during recuperation.
 Avoid using medications including hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids, and vitamins for at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complications before surgery.
Avoid using aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements as they can cause more bleeding.