FAQS Of Breast Capsulectomy

Procedure: Breast Capsulectomy

Which individuals should contemplate undergoing breast capsulectomy surgery?
If you have acquired capsular contracture, doing this surgery will be necessary. Capsular contracture refers to the constricting of the capsule that surrounds breast implants, resulting in potential discomfort or an altered breast shape.
The formation of scar tissue or capsule is a typical physiological response, but it can become problematic if it undergoes excessive thickening over time. The thickening progressively intensifies until it reaches a level where it causes contraction, hence the term capsular contracture. The implant’s form is altered due to its hardening and rounding. The scar tissue can thicken to the point that its presence can be physically palpable.
There are four distinct categories of capsular contracture that are assigned a ‘Baker grading’. The following items are:
• Grade 1 – the breast exhibits a normal appearance, characterized by softness and a natural aesthetic.
• Grade 2 – the breast appears normal but exhibits little firmness.
• Grade 3 – the breast exhibits an atypical and rigid texture upon palpation.
• Grade 4 represents the most unfavorable situation. The breast exhibits rigidity, firmness, and an unnatural appearance.
Is it possible to avert breast capsulectomy surgery?
While it is inevitable that there is always a level of risk involved, there are specific measures that can be taken to mitigate this risk. The following items are:
• Massage therapy performed after a surgical procedure. Massaging the breasts is advisable specifically for ladies who have undergone successful breast augmentation with smooth implants. Refer to the section on ‘breast implants’ for information about the various types of implants.
• Utilize a compression bra. This method is quite effective, especially when paired with compression exercises.
• Ingest Vitamin E orally. This vitamin enhances skin health and may have a similar effect on scar tissue.
• Opt for textured implants to inhibit the formation of firm capsules.
• Prior to using any specific nutritional supplement, it is advisable to consult with your surgeon.
Who is ineligible for breast capsulectomy surgery?
If you are below the age of 18, you may be deemed ineligible for this surgery due to your young age. Nevertheless, there are allowances for females who are 16 or 17 years old, and it is possible that you fall into this category. The discussion of your age and the rationale behind this procedure will be conducted with your surgeon.
What preoperative preparations are necessary prior to undergoing breast capsulectomy surgery?
Once you have reached a state of contentment with the information provided by your surgeon and have given consent for the operation, you will need to make necessary preparations for the procedure.
You will recognize this as you have previously undergone cosmetic surgery. To retrieve information you may have forgotten, please consult our section dedicated to frequently asked questions about breast augmentation. Given the association with breast augmentation, this is an appropriate location to provide such information.
The aforementioned section provides guidance on the necessary preparations that should be undertaken beforehand. This entails soliciting assistance from someone during the initial days of your return home, coordinating a period of absence from work, ensuring an adequate supply of analgesics and drugs (if necessary), and establishing a plan of action in the event of any complications.
Prior to undergoing surgery, it is imperative that you cease smoking at least two weeks in advance. It is imperative that you abstain from smoking for a minimum of two weeks following the procedure. It would be more advantageous if you completely ceased smoking, and if you require assistance in doing so, your surgeon can suggest a smoking cessation program.
We acknowledge that this can be challenging and time-consuming, but if you can refrain from smoking both before and after, it will be beneficial. Additionally, it is worth noting that your surgeon will refuse to carry out this treatment if you are still engaging in smoking.
If you possess any allergies, it is crucial to disclose them. Please provide your surgeon with a comprehensive medical history and ensure that you are truthful in doing so.
If you are currently consuming any over-the-counter medications, such as vitamin supplements, ginseng, evening primrose oil, or garlic, it is necessary for you to discontinue their use. There is empirical data indicating that these factors can impede the process of healing.
If you are currently taking any prescribed medication, please also include these in your response.

What is the surgical procedure for breast capsulectomy?
There exist two categories of surgical procedures: total capsulectomy and sub-total capsulectomy. The first form involves complete removal of the capsule and replacement of the breast implant with a fresh one. The sub-total capsulectomy entails the partial excision of the capsule, provided that the implant remains intact and in its original position. In any case, it is likely that the implant will be extracted. The concept is to eliminate the problematic capsule and replace it with a new implant that has a longer lifespan compared to its predecessor. The surgeon has multiple choices available about the incision and placement of the implant. The answer to this question will vary based on your physique and individual suggestions. The surgeon will incise the scar tissue surrounding the capsule, so alleviating the strain, and subsequently extract it. Subsequently, a surgical cut will be performed either in the fold beneath the breast, the armpit, or the perimeter of the areola. This is the designated location for the insertion of the new implant.
The surgical cuts are subsequently sealed using either absorbable or non-absorbable sutures. Tapes will be used over the stitches to provide supplementary support. A mild dressing will also be applied.
The duration of this surgical procedure typically ranges from 1.5 to 3 hours and is commonly conducted under general anesthesia. Typically, it entails a hospital stay that lasts for one night, although in certain instances, it can be performed as an outpatient procedure. It is a procedure that involves greater intricacy than breast augmentation surgery.
Please note that there is a persistent possibility of this hardening recurring.
What are the expected outcomes following my breast capsulectomy surgery?
After your procedure, you will be sent to a recovery room. A team of extensively trained medical professionals will closely monitor your development, regularly assessing your pulse and heart rate. Once they are satisfied with your condition, you will be promptly returned to your room.
Upon arrival, a nurse will assess your blood pressure and other essential indicators of your health. Additionally, they will assess the state of your surgical incisions. There may still be surgical drains, which are little tubes, in place. Rest assured, these are really transient and solely intended to eliminate surplus fluids.
Early mobilization will be strongly encouraged. This is done to mitigate the formation of blood clots in the lower extremities, which can pose a significant risk to health.
You may experience tenderness and contusions in your breasts. Post-surgery, it is common to experience fatigue and a general sense of disarray. The administration of a general anesthesia can induce sensations of drowsiness, nausea, and disorientation that may persist for a duration of up to 48 hours. Avoid driving, operating machinery, or making significant decisions during that period.
Although you may have discomfort, it can be effectively managed with analgesic medication.
You will be required to wear a specialized brassiere for a duration of a few weeks. Additionally, you will need to ensure that the dressings remain in position for that duration. Ensure that they remain dry. Following a two-week period, the wounds will undergo examination and cleansing. However, throughout this interim, it is imperative to ensure that the dressings remain devoid of moisture.
The affected area will exhibit scarring and will maintain a solid, pinkish color for the following six weeks. Please note that these will remain unchanged in size for several months. Their total disappearance may take up to two years.
Similar to previous surgical procedures, it is imperative to refrain from engaging in any superfluous bending, stretching, or physical exertion. It is advisable to prioritize ample rest, although you may be capable of engaging in mild activities within a few days.
You may resume your work within a few days.
Avoid engaging in any sports or strenuous activities for a minimum of 7 to 10 days. On average, it takes approximately two weeks to fully recover.
What advantages does breast capsulectomy surgery offer?
The primary advantages include alleviating the discomforting tightness of the breast implant resulting from the formation of capsules. In addition, the introduction of a fresh implant to substitute the afflicted one will provide a more authentic visual aspect.
You will experience an enhanced sense of confidence and self-assurance regarding your physical appearance. The breasts will exhibit a more supple and authentic appearance.
Ensure that you have realistic expectations when considering any cosmetic surgery.
What are the potential hazards associated with breast capsulectomy surgery?
Every surgical procedure carries inherent hazards. This technique is generally considered to be safe, although it is important to note that problems can occur. The primary aspect involves the restructuring of capsules surrounding the newly implanted devices. Capsules are a typical physiological response that occurs when the body encounters a “foreign object.” However, the concern is in the potential for these capsules to enlarge to the extent that they restrict or harm the implant.
Additional risks encompass the following: • Infection • Hemorrhaging • Adverse reaction to anesthesia • Diminished or complete loss of nipple sensitivity • Impaired ability to breastfeed • Potential recurrence of capsular contracture • Formation of blood clots • Nerve damage • Breast asymmetry • Complications with the implants themselves, such as wrinkling or deflation • Excessive sensitivity or reduced sensitivity of the nipples • Breathlessness or rapid heartbeat • Sudden escalation of pain
What is the duration of a breast capsulectomy surgery?
This will endure for an extended duration. It is important to note that capsules consistently develop around breast implants. As long as these capsules do not exhibit any unusual expansion, you will not encounter any issues.
The possibility of hardening and thickening remains, although it is significantly less common than in the past.
The longevity of breast implants typically spans approximately ten years, necessitating potential future surgical intervention for replacement.