FAQS Of Male Breast Reduction(Subcutaneous Mastectomy)

Procedure: Male Breast Reduction (Subcutaneous Mastectomy)

Do I meet the criteria for male breast reduction?
The fundamental inquiry you ought to pose to yourself is: does the ailment cause distress to both your mental and bodily well-being? If the response is affirmative, it is advisable to contemplate undergoing surgery and commence the process of acquiring pertinent knowledge to facilitate an informed decision. This may be achieved by speaking with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who possesses expertise in this particular surgical procedure, as well as by gathering information from reputable websites and seeking referrals.
Is my age a barrier to undergoing gynecomastia surgery?
Typically, it is advisable to defer till reaching the age of 18 years. There are certain situations in which an individual should contemplate it at an early stage. To obtain assistance with this matter, it is necessary to seek guidance from a Plastic Surgeon.

What outcomes might I anticipate?
Prior to undergoing surgery, it is advisable to engage in a discussion with your surgeon and ensure a comprehensive understanding of all aspects involved, while maintaining reasonable expectations. Your proficient surgeon can assist you with this matter.

What is the surgeon’s experience with performing surgeries of this kind? Within a month? Within a year? Within his professional trajectory?
If he possesses substantial expertise, it should be supported by high-quality pre and post-operative photographs, as well as references.

What type of scar may I anticipate?
Typically, a periareolar incision is made, resulting in a little scar of around 1 inch in the lower region of the areola. This scar is often not easily noticeable. Occasionally, minuscule scars may persist in the armpit or chest area following liposuction. Certain individuals may require more elaborate interventions, and it is imperative to thoroughly consult with your surgeon regarding this matter before undergoing surgery.

Will I experience sufficient discomfort to need the use of medication?
Typically, the level of discomfort experienced is low. However, in order to ensure your comfort, we will offer you with a prescription for pain medication.

Which kind of anesthesia are available at your facility?
The selection of local anesthesia is contingent upon the nature of the surgical intervention and the patient’s capacity to endure it. Sedation is a state of induced sleep in a patient, however it is not equivalent to general anesthesia. The procedure we prefer in my office is considered safe when performed by a skilled Board Certified Anesthesiologist. The utilization of general anesthesia in my office is infrequent.

What steps should I take to get ready for the surgery?
Before undergoing surgery, it is advisable to obtain comprehensive instructions from the office of your surgeon. Pre-operative testing is compulsory. It is advisable to discontinue the use of pharmaceuticals such as anticoagulants, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil, Vitamin E, and herbal supplements such as St. John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba. Avoid consuming any food or beverages for a period of eight (8) hours before undergoing surgery. On the day of the procedure, please wear loose and comfortable attire. Ensure that a reliable individual accompanies you on your visit to and from the doctor’s office.

What kind of dressing will be provided?
I like using an elastic bandage, often known as an ACE bandage, or a surgical vest. Occasionally, a gauze dressing is sufficient.

What are the potential etiologies of gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia can result from the use of medications, anabolic steroids, cannabis, and various other contributing causes. Prior to surgery, it is advisable to cease them in order to limit the likelihood of recurrence.