FAQS Of Cheek Augmentation

Enhancement of the cheeks

Cheek augmentation surgery is a medical procedure that involves enhancing the shape and volume of the cheeks by surgical means.
Initially, cheek (malar and submalar) implants were mostly employed for reconstructive purposes in cases of congenital abnormalities and trauma-induced injuries. Currently, they are commonly used for aesthetic purposes to improve the appearance of a person’s cheeks or to achieve facial symmetry in those with naturally underdeveloped cheeks. Cheek implants or augmentation can enhance the facial structure, creating well-defined features that are visually appealing.

What material are cheek implants typically composed of?
Typically, they are constructed using rigid silicone material:
Dimethylsiloxane polymer, a commonly used implantable biomaterial, consists of a big molecule composed of repeated units comprising silicon, oxygen, and methane, specifically (CH3)3SiO-[(CH3)2SiO] x-Si(CH3)3. The viscosity of dimethylsiloxane and its physical state, whether liquid, gel, or solid, are determined by the amount of polymerization. Polymethylsiloxane chains that are brief and straight lead to the formation of oils or gels…Elevating temperature and employing catalysts promote the elongation of branches and facilitate the formation of solid substances. Silicone polymers are susceptible to contamination by heavy metals, low-chain-length polymers, and other contaminants during manufacture. To purify them, sophisticated filtration and sterilization techniques are necessary. Only silicone that meets the standards for medical use is authorized for insertion into the human body. Advanced Biomaterials – Grand Rounds
Several medical device businesses are producing advanced varieties of implants and injectables using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), stiff polyethylene, and hydroxyapatite derived from processed coral. The inflexible polyethylene implants can be securely fastened into the facial bones to avoid any movement of the implant after the surgery. The ePTFE implants are intentionally fabricated with porosity to facilitate tissue integration and minimize implant displacement. Some examples of implants are Mersilene, carvable blocks, PMMA, MMA, and others. Please consult the Augmentation Options section to access information about these materials. Engage in a discussion with your physician regarding their preferred choice of implants and the rationale behind it.

What is typically involved in a Cheek augmentation consultation?
Initially, your doctor will engage in a conversation with you to ascertain your objectives and subsequently elucidate the attainable outcomes. The typical objective is to enhance a deficient cheekbone structure. Some individuals may choose to significantly alter the facial structure in order to get the pronounced cheekbone appearance commonly associated with catwalk models. Engage in a discussion with your surgeon regarding the specific objectives and overall outcome you desire to attain. It is entirely subjective. Similar to you!
Your physician will consider your facial proportions and inherent facial structure. There exist numerous variations of Malar implants. You and your doctor will choose the positioning and dimensions of the cheek implants. Do not hesitate to express your thoughts at this period.

What is the procedure for performing Cheek augmentation surgery?
The Cheek procedure is commonly conducted under the administration of Light Sleep Anesthesia, General Anesthesia, or Twilight Anesthesia. Light Sleep Anesthesia refers to the administration of medications to create a state of relaxation and light sleep. General anesthesia can be administered in either gaseous or liquid form. For additional information, please refer to the Anesthesia Section. Upon your arrival, intravenous administration of additional drugs is performed to produce a deep state of relaxation. Typically, patients will be in a state of slumber throughout the procedure. Patients often experience significant gaps in their memories regarding the surgical procedure. Once this state is attained, medications are administered to induce anesthesia in the operative region. Many surgeons observe that patients often prefer this type of anesthesia, known as Light Sleep, because it requires minimal recovery from the anesthetics themselves. In contrast, general anesthesia can sometimes lead to post-surgical nausea.
The duration of this process ranges from 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours. The duration of the procedure may be extended if you opt for chin and cheek implants in addition. The incisions for cheek implants will be strategically placed within the hairline or inside the mouth, depending on your facial structure, in order to minimize their visibility. Certain physicians may even position the surgical cuts into the lower eyelid region. The danger of infection is elevated when an incision is made in the oral region; however, this risk can be mitigated via appropriate post-operative care.

 What are the various methods employed for doing a Cheek augmentation?

Some surgeons may have a preference for using a specific type of implant or a particular incision method. Surgeons should provide you the option to choose, as the newer treatments result in less visible scarring compared to the previous ones. The doctor may opt for an oral approach, which involves making incisions exclusively within the oral cavity. The procedure does not result in any visible scars, and the incisions made in the mouth heal at a significantly accelerated rate. Nevertheless, oral procedures occasionally suffer from a heightened incidence of infection.Particularly in those with conditions such as plaque accumulation, overall inadequate oral hygiene, and tobacco use. In addition, there are intra-ocular procedures that include making an incision through the eye, specifically the lower eyelid, and intradermal procedures that involve making an incision within the hairline.
Consult your doctor regarding the recommended strategy he employs. He may have a preference for conventional ways due to a lack of awareness of newer ones, or he may exclusively offer newer methods, considering the previous approaches to be obsolete. The extent of variation in this subject is contingent upon the individual surgeon.

What may I anticipate in the aftermath of the surgery?
While cheek implantation often does not cause significant pain, preoperative pain medication is provided. Your surgeon may also prescribe pharmaceutical grade Arnica montana or Bromelain to diminish swelling and bruising. Potentially including Bromelain, Vitamin K, or other substances. You may experience a certain level of numbness, which typically resolves after a period of 1 to 3 months. It is advisable to wear a support brace during sleep to facilitate the healing of your tissues and implant in the intended position and to prevent any displacement during the initial weeks.
Do not be concerned about the existence of bruising and swelling. The edema will gradually subside throughout the initial 5 to 7 days. Patients often resume work approximately 5 days after surgery by utilizing camouflaging cosmetics. The swelling bears a resemblance to the inflammation that occurs in wisdom teeth or after their extraction, and occasionally this explanation is employed in professional settings. Please be aware that the swelling may last for several months, and it may take a considerable amount of time for the desired defined and chiseled appearance to become noticeable.
Abnormal occurrences that should cause concern:
Temperature over 101 degrees
Acute edema or abrupt change in coloring
Hemorrhage refers to excessive bleeding, typically from a ruptured blood vessel.
The wound edges are displaying escalating redness and discomfort, which are indicative of an infection.
Drug-induced hypersensitivity reaction
Implant displacement

What is the anticipated date for the removal of the sutures and is there any discomfort associated with this procedure?
The sutures, if present, will be extracted within a period of about 5 to 10 days (sometimes 3 to 5 days). It is typical for your face to experience swelling during the initial days. The removal procedure should not cause significant pain, although you may experience some discomfort as the surgeon may be able to feel the implant through your facial tissues. The edema is expected to significantly decrease within the initial two weeks.

Is scarring expected? If such is the case, where precisely would the scars be situated?
The outcome of this situation is contingent upon the incision selection made by both you and your physician. It is entirely feasible to have one of these implants surgically implanted without any discernible scars. Inquire whether your doctor is acquainted with the intraoral incision sites and solicit their professional opinion on the matter. Inquire whether he is familiar with the technique of making an incision on the inner lower eyelid for cheek implants, which leads to the absence of any visible scars and greatly reduces the likelihood of infection. Ectropion is a risk in this case. Ectropion is a medical disease characterized by the downward or gaping movement of the lower eyelids. If ectropion develops, it is quite probable that additional surgery will be required to rectify the condition. This may result in increased hazards and expenses for you, the patient.

Does cheek implantation typically result in significant swelling?
The trauma to the tissues will result in significant edema. Particularly if screws were involved. When considering the approach, it is important to take into account that bone trauma may cause greater pain than tissue trauma. However, the discomfort is insufficient to discourage you from making a “incision decision.” Please note that there will be a temporary resemblance to a chipmunk and the well-defined features will not be noticeable for several months. It is crucial to be well-informed before undergoing this surgery, as a significant number of re-operations or removals occur as a result of individuals being unable to manage the swelling. If you undergo cheek implant surgery, it is important to anticipate and be prepared for post-operative swelling. Nevertheless, in numerous people, the conclusive outcomes became apparent approximately 7 months after the surgical procedure.

What is the duration of the “down time” for this procedure? How long should I anticipate being absent from work?
Anticipate a return to normal activities within a timeframe of around 1 to 2 weeks. Exercise should be postponed until after the third week. The degree of edema following cheek augmentation surgery varies from person to person, although it can be fairly significant. Bruising is present and a night support will be used to reduce tissue stress and provide proper support for healing tissues. I advise not scheduling any commitments, such as attending weddings or other events, where you will be in a prominent position, for a minimum of 4 weeks. The majority of patients resume their employment duties within a span of one week.

At what time will the results become visible to me?
The outcomes are instantaneous, notwithstanding the initial impression of the implants appearing excessively huge. Allow your mind sufficient time to discern the distinction between swelling and enlargement. The majority of patients express high levels of satisfaction with the outcomes of the augmentation procedure, provided they have a clear understanding of the anticipated outcomes in advance. However, if there are any changes or mistakes made by the surgeon in terms of the positioning and dimensions specific to the patient’s facial structure, this may not hold true. Nevertheless, in numerous people, the conclusive outcomes became apparent approximately 7 months after the surgical procedure.
What are the potential hazards associated with cheek augmentation?
Possible complications of the bruises include infection, hematoma (blood clots), seroma, numbness due to nerve injury, and hyperpigmentation (permanent discoloration). Implant displacement poses a potential hazard, necessitating further surgical intervention to readjust the implant’s position. There is a possibility that you may disapprove, which could lead to a revision or deletion. Additionally, there is a possibility of asymmetry arising from the tissues undergoing dissimilar healing processes.