FAQS Of Gluteal Augmentation

Buttock Enhancement

What is the expected date for my return to work, and when can I anticipate feeling fully recovered?
The previous rehabilitation duration was three to four weeks; however, due to recent developments in the technology, the healing period has significantly improved. The surgeon employs a regimen consisting of cryotherapy for the initial 48 hours, specific therapeutic activities elucidated by the surgeon, and administration of prescribed medications both during and post-surgery. While it typically takes one month to fully recover, the majority of patients are able to return to work within one to two weeks.
Is it necessary to wear any specific attire following my surgery?
As part of your surgical treatment, you will be provided with prescriptions for analgesics, antibiotics, and muscle relaxants. Following the surgery, you will be instructed to use ice packs or frozen peas to the buttock region for the subsequent 48 hours, in addition to commencing your stretching regimen. The surgeon will apply an abdominal binder to your buttocks to regulate pressure, which you will need to use for approximately one week. The surgeon enhances the shape of the buttocks by doing gluteal augmentations together with liposuction. This combination effectively emphasizes the desired contour. Additionally, if liposuction is performed, you will be required to wear a body garment for around 3-4 weeks.

What is the earliest date that I can resume my gym activities?
The timeline for resuming your exercise program will be contingent upon your pace of recovery. Typically, the majority of patients are able to return to the gym after one month. However, there have been cases where patients have successfully resumed their routine after only three weeks. It is advisable to begin with a slow pace and progressively intensify your physical endeavors, while being attentive to your body’s indications of its limits. Anticipate experiencing muscle soreness the next morning and consistently recall the stretching exercises provided by the surgeon.
What are the benefits of stretching exercises? Will this not exacerbate the level of pain and discomfort?
An important enhancement during the recovery phase has been the incorporation of stretching exercises. To grasp this notion, refer to the following example:
You are an individual who derives pleasure from engaging in physical fitness activities, but, you have been unable to partake in any form of exercise for an extended duration. Upon resuming your gym routine, you experience muscle soreness and discomfort the next day. What are the consequences if you choose not to come back the next day due to excessive discomfort? Indeed, you will have heightened discomfort and the soreness will linger and intensify as the week unfolds. Nevertheless, what would occur if you resolved that despite feeling sore, you are determined to go back to the gym under all circumstances. Initially, when you commence your exercise routine, you may have significant muscle soreness. However, as the workout advances, the muscles gradually relax and the discomfort diminishes, eventually subsiding almost entirely. The principle is the same for gluteal augmentation: the faster you stretch, the faster the muscle will relax and prevent spasms, thus enhancing your recovery time. Our patients are advised to engage in post-operative stretching exercises, performing them five times a day with five repetitions each time.

At what time am I allowed to take a seat?
The patient is able to sit for basic biological needs immediately after the operation. However, we recommend avoiding prolonged sitting, such as watching TV or doing computer work, for approximately one week. This alleviates the tension on the suture line and promotes enhanced wound healing. We advise our patients to assume a prone position during their free time and to sleep in the same position for a duration of one week. Additionally, it is necessary to wear a garment for a minimum of 2-3 weeks.

Will I be directly seated upon the implants?
This question is frequently asked, and the answer is unequivocally “No.” Kindly engage in the subsequent examination alongside me. Assuming you are in a seated position, kindly place your palm on the lower region of your buttock, namely the area that is in contact with the surface you are sitting on. The region in question is characterized by its osseous nature and is commonly referred to as the ischial tuberosity. Place your hand on this specific region and rise to a standing position. When assuming an upright position, you will observe a significant distance between your hand and your actual buttock. The implant is positioned submuscularly, well above this region, ensuring that you never exert pressure on the implant while sitting.
Is there a risk of implant rupture when I sit?
The buttock implant is composed of solid silicone, unlike silicone breast implants that contain a gel-like substance. This distinction is important because the gel in breast implants might potentially leak, rupture, and seep into surrounding tissues, whereas the solid silicone used in buttock implants is incapable of rupturing or leaking. The remarkable aspect of this implant is in its ability to maintain a robust structure while providing a soft tactile experience.
When someone touches your buttock, it feels naturally firm, as if you have been in intense physical training for an extended period.
Are there any health concerns associated with silicone?
Extensive research has been conducted to assess the safety of silicone, and thus far, no evidence has been found to establish a connection between silicone and autoimmune diseases or any adverse medical conditions. The majority of the investigations have focused on breast implants, specifically those made of liquid silicone. The solid silicone form has been utilized for an extended period of time without encountering any complications. To access additional research on silicone, please click here.

What are the potential complications associated with the procedure? What steps should be taken in the event of a complication?
Similar to other surgical treatments, problems, however infrequent, still occur.
The complications are as follows:
1. Hemorrhage or Hematoma – This refers to the accumulation of blood in the vicinity of the implants. Although quite uncommon, this situation may arise. If it happens, it would necessitate medical examination of the wound, evacuation of the hematoma, and management of any ongoing bleeding.
2. Infection – Although highly uncommon, if this does occur, the implant will necessitate removal and you will be required to take medications tailored to your unique infection. The implant can be reinserted around 3 months later, provided that the infection has been eradicated.
3. Capsular contracture refers to the abnormal hardening of a breast implant due to excessive scar tissue formation. Buttock augmentation rarely presents this issue, but it is more commonly observed in breast augmentation. The implant is typically positioned beneath the muscle in the buttocks region, which experiences continuous movement. As a result, the capsule generally maintains its softness. If such a situation arises, one may consider administering specific medications such as papaverine, vitamin E, and indomethacin, in conjunction with ultrasound therapy, as a means to potentially alleviate the hardness of the capsule. Occasionally, this therapeutic approach becomes ineffective, necessitating the possibility of undergoing a second operation and maybe requiring the removal of the implants.
4. Peripheral neuropathy or alterations in leg feeling – The sciatic nerve is the particular nerve of interest in this case. If this scenario were to occur, you might experience sensations of pain, discomfort, or an electric-like shock that travels down the leg. This occurrence is exceptionally uncommon as the implant is positioned at a higher location than the nerve’s actual placement. If such an event transpires, our initial approach would involve using conservative therapy as a means to facilitate the natural progression of edema reduction and wound healing. In addition to medication therapy, such as neurontin, Vitamin B6, and B12, we could incorporate ultrasound therapy. However, if the issue persists, it may be necessary to extract the implant. As previously said, this issue is quite uncommon. However, it is more frequently observed that individuals may have brief alterations in skin sensation, such as numbness or sweating in the buttock region, as well as variations in temperature perception, resulting in a sensation of either coolness or warmth. Typically, this condition cures within a span of one to three months, primarily due to inflammation. In addition to medication therapy, such as neurontin, Vitamin B6, and B12, we could incorporate ultrasound therapy. While these suggestions may be beneficial, it is advisable to seek guidance from your physician beforehand.
5. Implant displacement – In this situation, the implant shifts excessively downwards in the buttock area or excessively to the side. The implant dissects the tissues, resulting in the enlargement of the implant pocket. To rectify the issue, one option would be to do internal suturing of the capsule in order to reduce the size of the implant pocket. Alternatively, the implant might be removed altogether. If the implant is extracted, it can be reinserted after a period of 3 months.
6. Wound healing complications or Wound dehiscence – The wound may have a separation, necessitating regular dressing changes until it fully heals. The region where the incision is made, precisely along the midline of the sacrum, experiences tension and poses challenges in terms of maintaining cleanliness. Consequently, certain patients may experience modest complications with their wounds, such as wound dehiscence or prolonged exudate. This issue typically resolves spontaneously and merely requires allowing time for the wound to heal.
7. Persistent exudation of fluid from the incision site – Typically, this refers to the limited discharge of fluid in the vicinity of the incision, rather than from the implant itself. Often, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the wound to ensure that it is not a more serious infection. Frequently, it is a suture that has become contaminated and need removal. One possible remedy is to extract the suture, which would resolve the problem. Alternatively, the incision may need to be left uncovered and allowed to heal naturally over time, with the assistance of regular dressing changes.
8. The presence of fluid surrounding the implant is most likely a seroma, characterized by the production of clear sterile fluid as a bodily reaction. This can be readily evacuated with a needle. This is a harmless issue that typically resolves spontaneously and may not necessitate draining. Infrequently, it may necessitate more assertive treatment such as drainage, re-operation, or sclerosis. Nevertheless, it is crucial to differentiate this fluid from an infection. An infection necessitates the extraction of the implant due to significant differences between the two.
9. Scar formation is rarely an issue due to the scar’s placement. Located at the midpoint of the sacrum, it is remarkably inconspicuous, making it difficult to observe. Even in the event of acquiring a detrimental scar, its visibility will be very inconspicuous to others. Nevertheless, the scar may cause itching.
10. Asymmetry refers to the condition where one side of the buttock seems different from the other side. This is not considered a difficulty, as it is a natural aspect of our anatomy to have one side of the body distinct from the other. During the process of augmentation, you are likely to develop a heightened awareness of the disparities. Upon reviewing your pre-surgery photographs, you will observe that the disparities already existed beforehand.