Bangkok Thailand Plastic Surgery


Archives September 2024

Is Cheaper MTF SRS Surgery Worth It?

When considering cheaper MTF (Male-to-Female) Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS), it’s essential to balance cost savings with potential risks and long-term outcomes. Below are key factors to consider: Pros of Cheaper…

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Breast Lift Techniques

a) Crescent LiftThe crescent lift technique uses a crescent-shaped incision above the areola to remove a small amount of skin. The ends are then reattached with fine stitches, making it…

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How Deep is SRS PPV?

For individuals undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS), one of the most common questions is about the depth of the neovagina. With the PPV (Peritoneal Pull-Through Vaginoplasty) technique, the neovagina typically…

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