How Long Should I Stay In Thailand For Sex Reassignment Surgery?

The duration of your stay in Thailand for sex reassignment surgery (SRS), also known as gender confirmation surgery, can vary depending on the type of surgery, your recovery needs, and required follow-up appointments. Below are some general timelines to consider:

  1. Pre-surgery preparation: Plan to arrive in Thailand at least 2–3 days before surgery for consultations, medical evaluations, and pre-operative tests.
  2. Surgery and immediate recovery: The surgery typically lasts a few hours, followed by a hospital stay of 5–7 days. During this time, doctors will monitor you closely for any complications.
  3. Post-surgery recovery: After being discharged, you’ll need to remain in Thailand for 2–3 weeks for follow-up appointments, recovery, and monitoring. This period includes guidance on wound care and, for transfeminine surgeries, instructions on dilation.

Estimated total stay: 4–6 weeks

It’s essential to consult with your surgeon in advance to get a tailored timeline based on your individual health and surgical plan. Allow extra time for healing, and consider having support throughout the recovery process.