Do’s and Don’ts Following Male to Female SRS Surgery

Male-to-female (MTF) sex reassignment surgery (SRS) is a serious and life-altering treatment. Following surgery, it is critical to adhere to adequate care instructions to ensure a healthy recovery. Here’s a checklist of crucial do’s and don’ts:

Do: Follow medical advice.

Follow your surgeon’s post-operative care recommendations, including medication regimens, wound care, and follow-up appointments.
Dilate regularly.

Dilation is crucial for preventing the vaginal canal from shutting. Follow the dilation timeline recommended by your surgeon, which normally begins a few days following surgery.
Maintain hygiene.

Keep the surgery area clean to avoid infection. Use the specified solutions or soaps to gently clean the area as directed.
Rest and take it easy.

Allow your body to recuperate by getting appropriate rest. Avoid intense tasks, such as carrying large objects, as well as any other activity that puts strain on your body.
Stay hydrated and eat well.

Maintain a well-balanced diet and drink enough of fluids to aid in healing. Vitamin and mineral-rich foods can help you recuperate.
Wear loose clothing.

Wear soft, loose-fitting clothing to reduce irritation around the surgery site.
Monitor for Complications:

Keep an eye out for signs of infection or problems, such as extreme swelling, redness, odd discharge, or severe pain, and notify your doctor if you see anything unusual.
Seek Support:

Emotional support is necessary. Consider joining a support group or obtaining counseling if necessary.

Don’ts: Do not skip dilation.

Neglecting or skipping dilation can result in issues such as vaginal stenosis (narrowing or closing of the vaginal canal).
Avoid sexual activity.

To avoid harm or infection, refrain from sexual intercourse until your surgeon clears you, which typically takes many months.
Don’t smoke or consume alcohol.

Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption might hinder healing. Avoid these during your rehabilitation.
Avoid bathing and swimming.

To avoid infection, do not submerge yourself in water, such as baths, hot tubs, or swimming pools, until your surgeon approves.
Do not strain during bowel movements.

Straining might apply pressure on the surgical site. Stay hydrated and eat fiber to keep your bowel movements regular and soft.
Do not wear tight clothing or underwear.

Until the surgery region is completely healed, avoid wearing tight clothing or anything that may rub against it.
Don’t Use Unapproved Products:

Avoid applying creams, lotions, or anything on the surgical site that have not been approved by your healthcare physician.
Do not engage in vigorous physical activity.

Refrain from strenuous physical activity, heavy lifting, or exercise until your doctor has cleared you.
Following these instructions will help to guarantee a smooth and healthy recovery. Always consult your healthcare practitioner if you have any specific concerns or questions during your recovery.